Thursday, February 4, 2010

Is Blogging a Dead Medium?

It's a sad fact that most blog readers are bloggers themselves, hence why blogs which focus on the blog writing audience do so well. I've had many friends and family members look at me like I have two heads when I show them how much money I make from blogging each week. "Seriously," they say, "... isn't blogging dead though?" The answer is that yes, blogging the way it used to be done is dead.

People who blog just for the sake of blogging are certainly a dead medium. Nowadays you have to compete with a thousand other bloggers in your same niche and the only way to do that is to provide content no one else can or to create a community which will attract even more visitors.

These are changing times but blogging is certainly not a dead medium. You just have to adapt and become a better blogger in the process.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Getting on a Bloglisting Site (Not a Blog Roll!)

Blog directory sites are basically directories for website categories, similar to EzineArticles but for blogs instead of articles. This is not the same thing as say a site roll, which is nothing more than a list of blogs one person in particular reads. Often you'll find site rolls on the right hand side of a blog and it will contain the title of the site in question as well as the latest post by that author.

Blog listing sites usually require that you leave a small rectangle on your site with a piece of code which allows them to track your website. This will help them when they show people using their site and searching through a category to find your blog.

To find a directory site, simply Google 'blog listing sites' and look around at what you find. Pick a free website that requires you to put a small bit of code for tracking onto your site and you're ready to go. Add the tracking software somewhere out of sight (I use the very bottom of my website for this purpose) and you will now hopefully start getting more visitors from the listing site you signed up with.

Don't stop at just one site though, be sure to get on as many as you can to improve your readership!

Getting on blog rolls is a great way to get readership, but if you want fresh new visitors who perhaps haven't even heard of your blog yet then you want to get on these blog listing sites. Remember, you can never get enough of this free traffic!