Thursday, March 25, 2010

Post Labels: Why are they important?

Post labels are an essential part of blogging. Those are the little categories which you can click on that appear below each post. Some blogs go nuts and will have a dozen labels per post, others (like mine) only use one or two labels per post. The reason I only use one label is that google looks at it for keyword SEO, and spamming too many of the same keyword through links and other uses throughout the website is a terrible idea.

Google hates spammers, and links are the first thing google checks when doing SEO on the body of the page. This goes for all links, not just labels, so be careful and use links to send readers to important information without spamming the links and their keywords all over the page.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Giving Stuff Away for Free

This is a difficult concept for most people who sell products online to wrap their minds around. First off, you want to give away as much stuff as you can for free without reducing the value of your online product. What's more, you want the free stuff to boost the confidence of the person with regards to buying your primary product. How do you do this you ask? Well you want to develop free materials that are 'stand alone' and capable of providing a small measure of success to the person who uses it, just enough to make them wonder how great the real thing must be. You DO NOT want to tease someone with useless information or give them free advertisements with no real knowledge behind them. This will turn them away from your product and make them believe it has no real value either!